Recital Preparation
As the season progresses, additional recital information or updates will be posted on the studio website, in monthly newsletters, on TIM Face book group & page, and on front door and lobbies of the dance school. Recital details will also be distributed with costumes. Make it your responsibility to keep abreast of this important information. It is our goal to make the recital weekend experience organized and exciting for all involved. It is a team effort; students, their parents, the teachers and the directors are key players in the success of each show and rehearsal. There is no possible way we can accommodate or please everyone and their personal schedules. With the number of siblings enrolled in classes and those enrolled in classes that are of different levels and elements we do however try to put our best foot forward. That is why we try very hard to announce the dates as early as possible. In many of our younger routines the children have partners. If your child is absent from classes and recital event it confuses & affects all of the young dancers in the group. If there are questions, comments, concerns, conflicts, etc. please address Ms. Terrie. The studio assistants & receptionist are only messengers. If Teachers are not available please leave a message and we will contact you personally.
Attendance is very important to insure the students feel comfortable with the routines. Please make every effort for the dancers to be in class each week. We will also be allowing each of the classes to perform for one another to give them experience dancing in front of an audience. To ensure that the students feel confident about their performance, we ask that students are to be encouraged to rehearse their recital choreography on a regular basis.
Each student in the classroom is dependent on the others to do their part. If you would like a copy of the music please provide a blank CD and we will be happy to make the copies for you at no cost. If Dancer is enrolled in classes that are of different levels or ages, they will be performing in more than one recital program. There is no guarantee siblings will be performing in the same recital program.
We also offer a Recital Informational Question & Answer Session for all TIM dance parents in April of each year at the dance school to answer all recital related events (recital pictures, stage dress rehearsal & recital programs, etc.) and explain how the rehearsal & recitals will be run. Visit Studio Calendar.