2024-25 Spring Recital Costume Line Up: TBA

Make up for female dancers: The lights on the stage will wash your dancers face out. We recommend applying a decent amount of make-up so that this does not happen.


Recital Costume

Pictures of Recital Costumes for all recreational classes are posted in front lobby and on studio website in April. Costumes will be distributed when we have tried on all costumes and are satisfied with the sizing. To insure there are no costume problems prior to pictures, rehearsal, recital, and students should not wear their costumes, accessories or tights prior to the photo session, dress rehearsal, or performance. If a mishap occurs with the costume after it has been distributed, then it jeopardizes the dancer’s ability to perform in recital event. We recommend that the name of each dancer be placed in each costume, shoes, accessories and tights. Place costumes in a garment bag with dancer’s name. Pack accessories in a clear plastic bag with dancer’s name. Hats should be stored in a hatbox or similar container to prevent damage. Please do not wash costumes in your washing machine, dry- clean or use Febreze if necessary. If in more than one number during recital we recommend bringing a clothing rack to auditorium and hang costumes in the order of stage performance. Do not allow eating or drinking, other than water while in costume. Tights (if necessary) are provided in costume bags and are completely sanitary. Any questions regarding costuming should be asked on picture day or addressed prior to rehearsal. Students will not receive their costume(s) or tickets until the balance is paid in full.

COSTUME & RECITAL FEE PAYMENTS MAY NOT BE MADE ONLINE OR IN STUDIO BY CREDIT OR DEBIT CARD. CASH, CHECKS OR MONEY ORDERS ACCEPTED ONLY FOR COSTUME/RECITAL FEE PAYMENTS. When making a costume/recital fee payment it must be a separate check from tuition and please write “RECITAL” and dancers name in memo line. Any costume orders placed or changed after January 31st will include additional shipping charges. (Approx: $15.00) and may arrive later than the costumes ordered in December. All costume/recital fee payments are final and non-refundable regardless of circumstance. Costumes are nonrefundable and nontransferable. If a student withdraws from a class after purchasing a costume, the student/family will be contacted when the costume is available for pick-up. Additional charges will be assessed if a student is enrolled in more than one “block” of classes and therefore need more than the allotted class costume. Adult Students DO participate in the Spring Recital however in most cases Adult Classes Do Not pay for a Recital Costume. The instructor & adult class members decide upon stage outfits for adults for the performance. Students will learn a different recital routine for each class they are enrolled in; students in multiple classes are encouraged to participate in the performance of each of their classes. There is a different costume associated with each class. Children will be measured for their costumes in December and costumes will be ordered by TIM School of Dance by mid-December to ensure delivery in time for the dance recital. Costumes will be handed out by the end of April. If you paid for a costume and then your child dropped out of class, you may pick up your costume after May 15th. All costumes not picked up by the end of June will become the property of the Dance school and will be donated.

Recital Costume & Recital Fee Payments


Recreational Costume/Recital fee payment due dates: October 3rd half payment on 1st costume. November 7th half payment on 1st costume. December 12th any and all balances due on the additional costumes (2nd, 3rd or more costumes) all dancers ages 9 and up will require an additional ballet costume. *A $10 late fee will be applied to any costume amount not paid in full by designated due date Recital Costumes must be ordered and paid for in advance to insure dancer’s participation. The costume fee is listed below and must be paid within installments. This costume/recital fee includes, recital costume, all accessories (except shoes) such as props, hairpieces, tights etc.


Costume Measurement Week: November 4th-November 7th


Costume/Recital Fee payments as of August 1st: (includes tights and accessories if applicable).


  • $100 Costume/$25 Recital Fee: Ages 2-8 female dancers, Lyrical 5-8, DanceAbilities, Acro Age 5-6 & Acro Age 7-8, Musical Theatre Ages 6-10
  • $115.00 Costume/$25 Recital Fee: Ages 9-teen female dancers, & Pre-Pointe *All dancers ages 9 and up will require an additional ballet costume if enrolled in ballet class
  • The following classes DO Participate in the annual recital, but the studio does NOT order costumes. Instructors will provide costume details/links through parental emails provided on student accounts for these classes at a later date. You will only owe $25 Recital fee (Cash or Check only, made payable to Techniques in Motion School of Dance. NOT payable online!).
    • Danceabilities
    • ContempHop
    • Tap Improv
    • All Adult classes
    • All Male dancers in ALL dance elements
    • All Non-Binary dancers (must be listed as non-binary in Jack Rabbit)

  • The following classes DO NOT participate in the annual recital:
    • Power Hour
    • Stretch & Flow
    • Zumba
    • Company Acro (TBD)
    • Any Technique Class

**$25 Recital fee is only billed one time per dancer not per costume. Cash or check (made payable to Techniques in Motion School of Dance) only. NOT payable ONLINE.  Final date to order recital costumes (if they are available) March 7th.

What does my costume fee include?

When you buy a costume and pay a recital fee at your dance school, you are paying for more than the garment itself:

  • Researching designs
  • Sizing students
  • Collating Information
  • Placing Orders
  • Receiving & Checking orders
  • Fitting & Adjustments
  • Chasing Payments
  • Distributing Costumes
  • Ordering Tickets
  • Printing of Tickets
  • Tights
  • Auditorium Rental & all fees associated with rental

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