‘DANCE’ IS IN THE WORD “ATTENDANCE”. Attendance is important to the learning process in dance class! Advancement is contingent upon consistent instruction. Frequent absences even in one student delay progress of an entire class. Poor attendance will result in poor training. Please contact us if the dancer will be absent and for make-up class options. Make-up classes are available and need to be done as soon as possible after the absence. Dancers MAY still attend make-up classes for the training but they will no longer count towards perfect attendance. Attendance is taken in each class and recognition in the form of 100% Perfect Attendance trophies or medallions are presented at the Spring Recital for Perfect Attendance. To receive Perfect Attendance recognition must be enrolled prior to Jan 1 and must be participating in recital events for the class in which perfect attendance is earned in. Perfect attendance awards will only be presented to dancers who attended class consecutively from the time they enrolled until the end of dance season 100%.
Encourage and express pride in dancer’s efforts & accomplishments. Make sure dancer is on time and attends all lessons & rehearsals. Missing class can be discouraging and often they will have a difficult & frustrating time catching up. Encourage dancers of all ages to practice choreography or new material at home. This makes them confident and the dance experience more enjoyable. Talk with your dancers about what they learn in class and ask them to show you. Dance with them! Show respect for the dance educator. Feel free to contact the school to schedule a conference with any of the teachers. Avoid judgmental statements and be proud to be a non-gossiping dancer or parent. That is a negative influence on productivity both inside and outside of the dance school. Promptness with tuition, costume/ recital fee deposits & other funds is essential. Payments should be made prior to or on the due dates. Be proud that you and your dancer have healthy bodies and are focused on one of the greatest art forms of all!
Class Observation
Parents are asked to leave their children no more than 10 minutes prior to class time and return promptly to pick them up. Students who are dropped off earlier or retrieved later cannot be supervised. Since observation tends to distract the attention away from the instructor we ask parents and relatives to observe the first lesson of each month ONLY through the observation windows in the studio lobbies. Parents & or siblings inside the classroom are too much of a distraction to the students. If the need arises to speak with an instructor or director during their class time, please leave a message at the front desk and we will contact you at our earliest convenience. If you chose to stay at studio during your dancer’s class time please wait in front lobby area. We appreciate your support.
Class Size
If a class number drops below 3 students the class may be combined with another class or cancelled. If a class size becomes too large then class may be split in order to provide the best possible quality instruction for each student enrolled.
Performance & Competition companies are open to seriously interested students who meet the criteria of adequate proficiency and maturity to withstand the demands of arduous rehearsals and extra classes. Auditions are held in the summer for the Junior & Elite Companies. Directors & instructors reserve the right to hold private auditions. The Mini & Petite Company is by invitation only. Company classes are closed to non-company members. Company Dancers & their families sponsor many fundraisers throughout the dance season.
All dancers enrolled in all levels of Pointe are required to also be enrolled in an additional weekly Ballet class suitable for their age and level of experience.
Classroom & Studio Protocol
Please join us in maintaining the presentable atmosphere for all studio families and staff members. No food or drinks in studio. No smoking on studio property including E-Cigs. Students are encouraged to bring personal labeled water bottles to class. Proper attention & behavior is expected of all students at all times. No chewing gum, eating or drinking in dance areas. Please do not allow children to run around the reception areas or stand on furniture, tap on windows or hang from the window sills and bump into the walls. We can hear the sounds while teaching and it is VERY disturbing and distracting to the students & teachers in the classrooms. We ask that your children have respect for other’s property and to behave here as you would like them to in your home. Please remind students to use restroom prior to class time. Please do not block the drive thru area in front of studio. Siblings & friends of All Students should not be left unattended in the dance school at any time. An adult MUST supervise siblings and/or friends not participating in class. Friends are not allowed to attend classes with the dancers unless they are having one free trial class to enroll in dance classes. We cannot be responsible for unsupervised children. Due to liability reasons students under 18 that are not enrolled in dance school must have a parent or guardian present while child is inside or immediately outside the studio facility. Students enrolled at the studio should be dropped off 10 minutes prior to class and promptly retrieved after their class time is over. Parental supervision is required prior to and immediately following class time. For each 30 minutes the dancer is left at dance school after their last class $5.00 will be added to dance account.
To aid us in providing professional and quality instruction and to ensure that students are comfortable in their dance space while learning or rehearsing teachers & enrolled students are the only persons allowed in dance rooms during class times. (unless otherwise invited by teacher). We appreciate your cooperation & understanding. Every effort is made by the instructors to begin and end classes on time. If for any reason the instructor runs over time the following class will be extended to compensate. Please realize that the stretching exercises performed in the beginning of class are a vital part of safety in dance. Please make every effort to have the student on time for class. Students are expected to be respectful and attentive in class to teachers and their fellow classmates. No hanging on Barres or putting hands on mirrors is permitted. Polite behavior and good manners should be displayed throughout class and lobby. Foul language or actions are not permitted. Students should not gossip or make their own groups and should work in unison as a class toward a common goal. Good attitude, good grooming, good attendance and practice at home are expected from each student. We are a private studio and reserve the right to dismiss any student or family who disregards studio policy, shows inappropriate behavior or upsets the harmony of the school.
Class Descriptions:
A fusion of gymnastics flare and the art of dance. This class embodies the concept and fearlessness of gymnastics while creating beautiful and lofty shapes in the air or on ground. Participants can expect to learn high impact skills that easily transition through movement and steps. Curriculum can vary due to levels and ages.
Suggested Pairing Class or Classes:
Power Hour, Jazz, Stretch and Flow, Hip Hop
A fusion class that uses a variety of techniques and methods from contemporary and hip hop. Primarily contemporary based, this form encompasses the freedom of expression found in both forms while focusing heavily on musicality and rhythm. Participants can expect a fast paced and stylized lesson.
Suggested Pairing Class or Classes:
Contemporary, Power Hour, Hip Hop, Ballet, Jazz, Acro, Stretch and Flow
An inclusive and sustainable class for movers with physical and mental delays/disabilities. This lesson teaches the understanding of basic movement skills and balance while simultaneously releasing necessary endorphins to boost positivity. Participants can expect a high energy and structured approach to dance and movement. Curriculum can vary due to levels and ages.
Funky Jazz
Funky Jazz, also called “Jazz-funk”, is a fusion style which combines elements of jazz and hiphop. It contains technical aspects of jazz while focusing on groove, rhythm, and other elements of the funk styles that are popping, locking, house, waving, etc. Jazz-funk is often featured in music videos and concerts. This style is upbeat, groovy, sassy and everything in between! Sneakers or combat boots can be worn but sometimes we will work with bare feet.
Suggested Pairing Class or Classes:
Jazz, Hip Hop, Power Hour, Stretch and Flow, Acro, Contemphop
A historic and foundational form of dance. This genre works in turn out and builds a dancer to be balanced, flexible and strong. Dancers can expect majority slow paced music and movement with intention through each exercise. Curriculum can vary due to levels and ages.
Suggested Pairing Class or Classes:
Pre Pointe, Power Hour, Contemporary/Lyrical, Stretch and Flow
A stylized and upbeat form of dance that focuses on rhythm and isolated movements. This class uses stamina, agility and musicality to help the dancer understand the foundation of Hip Hop. Participants can expect a high energy environment with a focus in various forms of hip hop such as popping, breaking and choreography. Curriculum can vary due to levels and ages.
Suggested Pairing Class or Classes:
Tap, Jazz, Contemphop, Acro
Discovery in Motion
A beginner leveled class for 2 year old movers and shakers. Any discovery motion lesson will walk your dancer through the absolute basis of the specific chosen form. Participants can expect a fun and simple approach to each task and will be guided to learn more about how to move their body.
Suggested Pairing Class or Classes:
All Discovery in Motion options (as your little one can handle)
Hip Hop
A stylized and upbeat form of dance that focuses on rhythm and isolated movements. This class uses stamina, agility and musicality to help the dancer understand the foundation of Hip Hop. Participants can expect a high energy environment with a focus in various forms of hip hop such as popping, breaking and choreography. Curriculum can vary due to levels and ages.
Suggested Pairing Class or Classes:
Tap, Jazz, Contemphop, Acro
A foundational stylized form of dance. This genre works in parallel and involves high energy movement with strong accented lines. Dancers can expect to work on a variety of elements including jumps, turns and flexibility while understanding rhythm and counting music. Curriculum can vary due to levels and ages.
Suggested Pairing Class or Classes:
Power Hour, Musical Theater, Acro
Power Hour
This class combines foundational dance technique, conditioning, stretching and skills. Power Hour focuses on building the dancers to achieve higher jumps, tighter turns and flexibility. Expect to learn new skills, intense exercises/stretches and partake in a fun atmosphere specifically catered to achieve success.
Suggested Pairing Class or Classes:
Stretch and Flow, Ballet, Contemporary/Lyrical, Acro
Stretch and Flow
Stretch and Flow is a relaxing class aimed to stretch the body in a variety of ways. It is intended to increase flexibility and decrease stress. Many of the poses and postures stem from yoga, however the overall feel of the class and the class posture does not focus on traditional yoga teachings or the origins. This class is great for all levels of fitness and flexibility. We will meet you where you are and work toward your own personal growth.
Suggested Pairing Class or Classes:
Ballet, Contemporary, Lyrical, Jazz
A beginners approach to Acro and movement. This class uses basic concepts of gymnastics and prepares students to achieve high impact skills. Participants can expect a high energy class that nourishes their need to roll, jump and move. Curriculum can vary due to levels and ages.
Suggested Pairing Class or Classes:
Hippity Hop, Tumblehop, Tap
A high energy and endurance driven class. This lesson constantly moves the body in learned patterns to improve stamina, strength and health. Participants can expect fast paced music and movement while maintaining form and balance.
Suggested Pairing Class or Classes:
Hip Hop, Jazz, Tap
A form heavily influenced by the technique of ballet with a modern twist. This class works through turn out and uses classical movement to create slow and controlled motions. Dancers can expect to work on a variety of elements including turns, flexibility and jumps. Curriculum can vary due to levels and ages.
Suggested Pairing Class or Classes:
Ballet, Contemphop, Power Hour, Stretch and Flow
A more intense approach to the classical form of Ballet. This class follows a similar regimen of strength and flexibility while balancing on one’s toes. Participants can expect an in depth understanding of Pointe and will develop necessary skills to maintain form. Curriculum can vary due to levels and ages. Please do not purchase pointe shoes until the instructor determines the dancer is ready for them.
Suggested Pairing Class or Classes:
Ballet, Stretch and Flow, Power Hour
A world renowned dance form that uses musicality and rhythm to create sounds and patterns with the feet. Primarily fast paced and works with the dancers understanding of music. Participants should expect to learn a focused skill set that ranges in speed. Curriculum can vary due to levels and ages.
Suggested Pairing Class or Classes:
Jazz, Hip Hop
A beginner leveled fusion class that blends together the art of tumble and upbeat nature of hip hop. Participants should be prepared to learn basic tumble skills such as forward rolls and expect a high energy lesson to fast paced music.
Suggested Pairing Class or Classes:
Hippity Hop, Tap, Tumble